Results for 'Sunil Guardia Salas'

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  1.  15
    Educational Management from the Constructivist Perspective to Improve Teaching Performance in Educational Institutions.Fernando Pablo Velásquez Salazar, Hugo Alvarado Rios, Sunil Guardia Salas, Jeremías Allpas Rodríguez, Julio Arévalo Reátegui, Katherine Elisa Pimentel Dionicio & Manuel Ricardo Guerrero Febres - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:128-145.
    The objective was to propose an educational management model from the constructivist perspective to improve teacher performance in primary and secondary education institutions. The research was basic, quantitative approach, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive-propositional in scope. The sample consisted of 92 teachers from an educational institution in Lambayeque, Peru. The results obtained in the surveys place teacher performance at a low level in all its dimensions: preparation for student learning (60.90%); teaching for student learning (70.70%); participation in the management of (...)
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    El pensamiento de Darío Salas a través de algunos de sus escritos: selección de textos y glosas históricas, esbozo biográfico y bibliografía.Darío Salas - 1987 - Santiago de Chile: Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile. Edited by Salas Neumann & S. Emma.
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    El conocimiento del mundo externo y el problema crítico en Leibniz y en Hume.Jaime de Salas Ortueta - 1977 - Granada: Universidad, Departamento de Filosofía.
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    Los retos políticos de la inmigración.Ana María López Sala - 2002 - Isegoría 26:85-105.
    Desde la época de las grandes migraciones ultramarinas, hace algo más de un siglo, los estudiosos de las migraciones han elaborado marcos de interpretación de este fenómeno social. La inmigración ha emergido recientemente en las sociedades occidentales como un tema de interés político. Así, la incorporación de los estudios migratorios desde la perspectiva de las disciplinas dedicadas al análisis del gobierno y la política es una de las novedades más interesantes en el reciente panorama teórico de las migraciones. El objetivo (...)
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    Using panicogenic inhalations of carbon dioxide enriched air to induce attentional bias for threat: Implications for the development of anxiety disorders.Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, John P. Forsyth, Christopher R. Berghoff & Timothy R. Ritzert - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (8):1474-1482.
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    A priori philosophy of nature in Hegel and German rationalism.Lorenzo Sala & Anton Kabeshkin - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (5):797-817.
    Hegel’s many remarks that seem to imply that philosophy should proceed completely a priori pose a problem for his philosophy of nature since, on this reading, Hegel offers an a priori derivation of...
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    Induced circularity for selective workers. The case of seasonal labor mobility schemes in the Spanish agriculture.Ana López-Sala - 2016 - Arbor 192 (777):a287.
  8. Perspectiva y contingencia en Leibniz.Jaime de Salas Ortueta - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (81):87-112.
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    Navigating Evolving Ethical Questions in Decision Making for Gender-Affirming Medical Care for Adolescents.Caroline Salas-Humara, Samantha Busa, Jeremy Wernick, Baer Karrington, Kelly McBride Folkers & Laura Kimberly - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (4):307-321.
    As more young people feel safe to outwardly identify as transgender or gender expansive (TGE), meaning that their gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth, an increasing number of youth who identify as TGE seek gender-affirming medical care (GAMC). GAMC raises a number of ethical questions, such as the capacity of a minor to assent or consent, the role of parents or legal guardians in decisions about treatment, and implications for equitable access to care (...)
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    Rousseau in venezuela, translation of Rousseau en Venezuela.Mariano Picon-Salas - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4:201.
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    Hermenéuticas en juego, identidades culturales y pensamientos latinoamericanos de integración.Ricardo Salas Astraín - 2007 - Polis 18.
    Desde una hermenéutica discursiva y práxica, este artículo profundiza y madura teóricamente unas breves reflexiones epistémicas e históricas acerca de la problemática de la identidad plural en el pensamiento latinoamericano de estas últimas décadas. En un marco dominado por el giro “post” que caracterizan las ciencias sociales, se prosigue una línea de investigación que recupera importantes categorías y distinciones -brotadas en teorías de pensadores latinoamericanos-, para demostrar la ambigüedad socio-política del actual giro plural e intercultural de la identidad. Criticando debilidades (...)
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    Los agravios reificantes hacia los «indios» como problema ante la filosofía de la comprensión.Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala - 2012 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 6 (6):101-123.
    The colonization and domination of America led to «reification», that is, reifying the term «indian». This raises a current and also exemplary challenge, to other parts of the world, given the contemporary ethnic plurality: overcoming this unjust reification through understanding beyond mere knowledge. To put it in modern terms: the acknowledgement of the fusion of significant horizons, accomplished in three moments: 1) the awareness of the offensive practice towards «the Indians» in the Colonial and post-colonial era; 2) the interpretation of (...)
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  13. Reconfigurando la realidad en el espacio de la escritura: el caso del goce como texto (del placer).Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala - 1998 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 31 (92):154-173.
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    Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology.Giovanni B. Sala - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (2):469-499.
    Fr. Sala attempts in this article to provide readers and students of Lonergan with a clear, precise, and condensed presentation of his conception of method in theology in today’s context. He does this by sketching the most important stages in the evolution of Lonergan’s thought. The core of this presentation is the analysis of the “human subject in its subjectivity.” Lonergan deals primarily not with the content of theological science but with the operations theologians perform in constructing theology. He endeavors (...)
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    Ralegh and the Punic Wars.Charles G. Salas - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (2):195-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ralegh and the Punic WarsCharles G. Salas“For he doth not feign, that rehearseth probabilities as bare conjectures....”Sir Walter Ralegh, The History of the WorldThe Secret HistoryIn 1603 Sir Walter Ralegh was judged guilty of treason and imprisoned in the Tower of London to await execution. The wait was a long one —execution did not take place until 1618—giving this artful courtier, warrior, poet, and poseur time to script (...)
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    Hermann Cohens Spinoza-Rezeption.Beate Ulrike La Sala - 2012 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Algo más sobre la nota de posesión de la versión árabe de la Colección canónica y la datación del códice 1623 de la Real Biblioteca de El Escorial.Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (2):273-287.
    La nota versificada que figura al final del libro VII, fol. 333r, de al-Qānūn al-Muqaddas, “el Santo Canon”, es de gran importancia para poder saber a qué obispo perteneció el códice y la época en la que fue traducido el texto del latín al árabe. En este artículo ofrecemos una serie de valoraciones y argumentaciones sobre estos dos aspectos: qué obispo fue el poseedor del texto y cuándo pudo ser hecha la traducción del original latino. Añádese una postrera alusión sobre (...)
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    La espacialidad en la construcción de categorías analíticas para la justicia comunitaria como práctica social.Hernando Roldán Salas, Marcela Vergara Arias & Denys Sierra Urrego - 2008 - Ratio Juris 3 (7):11-17.
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    Contextualistic Critiques of the Principle-Based Approach to Bioethics.Roberta Sala - 2003 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):187-198.
    Among the main assumptions of the well-known principle-based method in bioethics, the ideal of consensus assumes central importance. Indeed, by proposing this method, Beauchamp and Childress offer a base for a practical agreement that can be reached starting from different moral perspectives: they defend the universality of the principles shared by the common-morality theories. The ideal of consensus based on the universal acceptability of the principles is criticized by a large number of authors, communitarians and feminists. They attack the notion (...)
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  20.  75
    Edith Stein and Medieval Metaphysics.Salas - 2011 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85 (2):323-340.
    This essay considers Edith Stein’s account of “essential being” and finds therein a point of continuity with medieval metaphysics. Scholarly attention has already been given to this feature of Stein’s metaphysics; it has been argued that “essential being,” while serving as a crucial point of distinction between Stein andThomas Aquinas’s own metaphysics, functions as a point of similarity between Stein and Duns Scotus. However, I argue that, while there are certainly manypoints of congruence between Stein and Scotus on the topic (...)
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  21. La métaphysique comme scructure heuristique selon Bernard Lonergan.Sala Giovanni - 1970 - Archives de Philosophie 33 (1-2):45-71.
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  22.  29
    Addressing Internalized Weight Bias and Changing Damaged Social Identities for People Living With Obesity.Ximena Ramos Salas, Mary Forhan, Timothy Caulfield, Arya M. Sharma & Kim D. Raine - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Tradición e intertextualiad en la apocalíptica cristiana oriental. El motivo de los reyes de Etiopía y Nubia en el “Apocalipsis (árabe) del Ps. Atanasio” y sus testimonia apocalyptica.Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala - 2011 - Al-Qantara 32 (1):199-228.
    En el presente artículo analizamos el motivo de «los reyes de Etiopía y Nubia» en una de las familias textuales del Apocalipsis árabe del Pseudo Atanasio. El propósito de este trabajo es demostrar, mediante el análisis de los elementos que conforman el motivo, cómo los autores de obras apocalípticas trabajaron sobre la base de un material en buena medida estandarizado, al que denominamos testimonia, del que se sirvió cada autor en función de circunstancias varias. Esta labor plasmada en los textos (...)
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  24. Vijñānabhikshu ke Vedānda [i.e. Vedānta] siddhāntoṃ kā samīkshātmaka adhyayana.Sādhanā Kaṃsala - 1993 - Jayapura: Klāsika Pabliśiṅga Hāusa.
    Study on the philosophy of Vijñānabhikshu, 16th cent.
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    Tall Tales About the Mind and Brain: Separating Fact From Fiction.Sergio Della Sala (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    Tall tales presents a sweeping survey of common myths about the mind and brain. In a lighthearted and accessible style, it exposes the truth behind these beliefs, how they are perpetuated, why people believe them, and why they might even exist in the first place.
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    Der „reale Verstandesgebrauch“ in der Inauguraldissertation Kants von 1770.Giovanni B. S. J. Sala - 1978 - Kant Studien 69 (1-4):1-16.
  27. Kant and Baumgarten on Positing. Kant's notion of positing as a response to that of Baumgarten.Lorenzo Sala - 2020 - Revista de Estudios Kantianos 5 (2):269-288.
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    Lire aujourd’hui L’État de siège.Denis Salas - 2021 - Cités 85 (1):83-93.
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  29. Natural faction awareness of God.Giovanni Sala - 2009 - Philosophy and Culture 36 (9):111-139.
    For God's knowledge in all cultures have, therefore, humans are supposed to be easily understood. However, to find out the exact number of steps, so that we can from this world to make the conclusion that God exists, but why is still very difficult. This paper attempts to point out why the case. Reason to silt, to analyze all human beings are familiar with the cognitive activities of the universality of the difficulties faced, if, to analyze the experience we can (...)
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  30. Ṭawāf ḥawla jamāliyāt al-funūn: namādhij Kuwaytīyah.Jāsim Muḥammad Salāmah - 2014 - [al-Kuwayt]: Maktabat al-Rubayʻān.
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    Psychological inflexibility and valuing happiness: Dangerous liaisons.Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, A. Sebastian Lombas, Sonia Salvador & Ginesa López-Crespo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous evidence has shown that excessive valuing happiness may relate to lower psychological wellbeing across cultures. Considering the lack of data with Spanish population, we examined the relation between tightly holding happiness emotion goals and subjective wellbeing in a sample of Spanish women, and explored the mediation role exerted by psychological inflexibility components in the relation between valuing happiness and subjective wellbeing. A female adult sample filled out measures of excessive valuing happiness, psychological inflexibility, positive affect, negative affect, and life (...)
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    Reconfiguración del mandato de masculinidad en la figura parental en textos autoficcionales de Marcos Giralt Torrente, Guadalupe Nettel y Jeanette Winterson.Lilia Irlanda Villegas Salas - 2023 - Escritos 31 (66):126-143.
    Mediante el análisis de las relaciones de parentalidad en Tiempo de vida, El cuerpo en que nací y ¿Por qué ser feliz cuando puedes ser normal?, de Marcos Giralt Torrente, Guadalupe Nettel y Jeanette Winterson respectivamente, se expondrá cómo la literatura autoficcional, en tanto ejercicio artístico, adquiere también una función capaz de reconfigurar la realidad patriarcal y, así, contribuir a desmontar un esencialismo estructural. La incipiente actualidad de estos autores constituye también una propuesta de escrituras descentralizadas o marginales leídas desde (...)
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  33.  24
    In Response to Howe’s “Caring for Transgender Adolescents”.Caroline Salas-Humara, Samantha Busa, Jeremy Wernick, Baer Karrington, Kelly McBride Folkers & Laura Kimberly - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (2):156-158.
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    Collective Actors without Collective Minds: An Inferentialist Approach.Javier González de Prado Salas & Jesús Zamora-Bonilla - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (1):3-25.
    We present an inferentialist account of collective rationality and intentionality, according to which beliefs and other intentional states are understood in terms of the normative statuses attributed to, and undertaken by, the participants of a discursive practice—namely, their discursive or practical commitments and entitlements. Although these statuses are instituted by the performances and attitudes of the agents, they are not identified with any physical or psychological entity, process or relation. Therefore, we argue that inferentialism allows us to talk of collective (...)
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  35. Los pliegues de Satanás.Arturo E. Sala - 2000 - In Susana Raquel Barbosa, Márgenes de la justicia: diez indagaciones filosóficas. Buenos Aires: GEA-Grupo Editor Altamira.
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  36. Confidencialidad de datos sanitarios: de la norma a la práctica médica.Núria Terribas I. Sala - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Institut Borja de Bioética, Universitat Ramon Llull.Núria Terribas I. Sala - 2011 - In de la Torre Díaz & Francisco Javier, Pasado, presente y futuro de la bioética española. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
  38. La coerenza logica dello scetticismo pirroniano S.Em M. XI 162-166.Rosario La Sala - 1996 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 17:31-70.
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    Suárez: Between Scholasticism and Modernity.Victor Salas - 2009 - International Philosophical Quarterly 49 (2):276-278.
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    Still Unsuccessful: The Unsolved Problems of Success Semantics.Javier González de Prado Salas - 2018 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 33 (1):5-22.
    Success semantics is a theory of content that characterizes the truth-conditions of mental representations in terms of the success-conditions of the actions derived from them. Nanay : 151-165, 2013) and Dokic and Engel have revised this theory in order to defend it from the objections that assailed its previous incarnations. I argue that both proposals have seemingly decisive flaws. More specifically, these revised versions of the theory fail to deal adequately with the open-ended possibility of unforeseen obstacles for the success (...)
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  41. Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas on the Analogy between God and Creatures.Victor Salas - 2010 - Mediaeval Studies 72:283-312.
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    "Apologética racionalista" de Abu Qurrah en el "Maymar fi WuÞud al-Haliq wa-l-din al-qawim" II/2, 12-14.Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala - 2005 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 22:41-56.
    Traducción y estudio de la sección 11,2,12-14 del Maymar fi "wupud al-Haliq wa-l-din al-qawim" de Teodoro Abu Qurrah. Buscando demostrar que el cristianismo es la única religión verdadera, Abu Qurrah plantea un método analítico de corte apologético que desarrolla a partir de criterios racionalistas de naturaleza comparatista, adoptando para ello un discurso expositivo, moralista o escriturista en cada caso, de acuerdo con sus necesidades.
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  43. ¿Cómo razonar la fe desde sí misma?: dos ejemplos medievales privilegiados.Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 41 (126):63-84.
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    Internally and externally generated emotions in people with acquired brain injury: preservation of emotional experience after right hemisphere lesions.Christian E. Salas Riquelme, Darinka Radovic, Osvaldo Castro & Oliver H. Turnbull - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:121484.
    The study of emotional changes after brain injury has contributed enormously to the understanding of the neural basis of emotion. However, little attention has been placed on the methods used to elicit emotional responses in people with brain damage. Of particular interest are subjects with right hemisphere [RH] cortical lesions, who have been described as presenting impairment in emotional processing. In this article, an internal and external mood induction procedure [MIP] was used to trigger positive and negative emotions, in a (...)
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    Istat, "Donne all'università".E. Sala - 2002 - Polis 16 (1):135-137.
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  46. La visión Wittgensteiniana del marco lingüístico explicativo del psicoanálisis Freudiano y Lacaniano.Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala - 2013 - Escritos 21 (46):69-109.
    La filosofía de Wittgenstein, en cada una de sus dos etapas, presenta criterios para evaluar el psicoanálisis. La primera evaluación es explícita al psicoanálisis freudiano y lo rechaza. La segunda evaluación es conjeturada en este texto para aceptar la versión del psicoanálisis lacaniano. Para exponer ambas se realiza un análisis teórico conceptual de la literatura wittgensteiniana sobre Freud y sobre la pragmática lingüística aplicada a: la ruptura de la unidad del significante sobre el significado que tomó Lacan de Saussure; la (...)
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    Marc Maesschalck, Pour une éthique des convictions. Religion et rationalisation du monde vécu.Ricardo Salas Astrain - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (3):467-470.
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    “Menstrual Health is a complete state of physical, men-tal and social well-being”: therapeutic searches, market and subjectivation processes in Argentine Menstrual Activism.Núria Calafell Sala - 2024 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 29 (1).
    This article presents a critical discursive analysis around the concept of menstrual health in a series of texts published in book format and in social networks in the last five years (2019-2023) by different activists and menstrual educators in Argentina. In a reading itinerary that goes from the singular to the collective, I identify the configuration of an experiential episteme that redefines the menstruating body as informational and multidimensional, which enables that, in addition to a physiological dimension, its role in (...)
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  49. Akrasia and the Desire to Become Someone Else: Venturinha on Moral Matters.Javier González De Prado Salas - forthcoming - Philosophia.
    This paper discusses practical akrasia from the perspective of the sophisticated form of moral subjectivism that can be derived from Nuno Venturinha’s (2018) remarks on moral matters.
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  50. Ciencia y metáfora.Israel Salas Llanas - 2020 - In Universidad de Sevilla, Lingüística prospectiva: tendencias actuales en estudios de la lengua entre jóvenes investigadores. pp. 421-432.
    Este trabajo examina algunos de los valores epistémicos que la metáfora adquiere en el discurso científico, así como la importancia que esta estrategia cognitiva asume dentro de cualquier programa de investigación que defienda el privilegio epistemológico de la ciencia moderna.
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